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 Greetings from Australia (rws4711)

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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2012
Age : 74
Localisation : queensland Australia

Greetings from Australia (rws4711) Empty
MessageGreetings from Australia (rws4711)

Hallo everybody

We are a German ( Rudi) and english ( Cherryl) Couple living in Queensland Australia. We Just sold our Offroad Caravan which we used to travel the outback of Australia, and planning to go to Europe for a couple of years and spent time travelling in a Motorhome.

We just have purchased a 2008 Right hand drive Itineo CD 720 in the UK which we will collect from the dealer in a couple of month. I must admit that as we don't have any knowledge of this Make we purchased just on the reputation of Rapido, some tests I found on the Internet and reports in english and german motorhome forums.

We really like the look of it and the arrangement of the Island bett. As we intent to ship the Vehicle back to Australia after our travel I hope the quality is as expected.

May I ask all you owners our there if there are certain aspects I need to check when I take delivery ( Any common weakpoints )

Any comments would be most welcome

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Greetings from Australia (rws4711) :: Commentaires

Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 7:35 par bilp
I hope you will enjoy to travel in France and Europe. Welcome to our Itineo club.
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 9:13 par sebetdine
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 10:07 par Polux
Hi, Rudi and Cherryl.

It's great to have you in this billboard. People writing from the other side of the world... Very impressive !

Don't hesitate to ask all the questions you've got. We'll try to answer as good as we could.

Hope to meet you very soon on the European roads.
Le taquin
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 10:58 par Le taquin
bienvenue smsign046
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 11:25 par pipermod
Bienvenue sur le forum Rws4711
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 12:20 par rws4711
thank you for your welcome.

Really appreciate it

Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 12:33 par jablondeau
Welcome Cherryl and Rudi, we 'll try to answer you each time you will need.
See you soon on the french or european roads.
Welcome again , best regards.
Annie & Jacky
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 13:20 par Invité
Greetings from Australia (rws4711) 2096181501 hello
marylène et jean
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 13:33 par marylène et jean
Greetings from Australia (rws4711) 960125 bienvenue Rudi et Cherryl
philippe et roselyne
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 13:33 par philippe et roselyne
bienvenue smsign046
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 12 Avr 2012 - 15:30 par Océaline
Greetings from Australia (rws4711) 960125 bienvenue Rudy et Cherryl flower
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Ven 13 Avr 2012 - 5:36 par rws4711
Thanks again for your welcome

As I have purchased the CD720 without actually having seen it I like to ask a couple of questions about it.

1.Is there a place for a second Battery?

2.What are you recommending with regards to Solar panels. How many have you got on your roof and what are the cost in Europe?

3. As we intend to live and travel in the vehicle for 2-3 years I consider an upgrade on the weight from 3.5 t to whatever is possible. I also would like to purchase a small scooter/bike and put it on the back. Any suggestions?

I am looking forward to your answers
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Ven 13 Avr 2012 - 6:47 par cathetcoco
Welcomme in the Fofo of the Titi's Rws4711.Greetings from Australia (rws4711) 960125
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Ven 13 Avr 2012 - 14:18 par Mousquetaire54
bienvenue rws4711
Re: Greetings from Australia (rws4711)
Message Jeu 19 Avr 2012 - 21:12 par ELIANE40
bienvenue parmi nous Greetings from Australia (rws4711) 478802

Greetings from Australia (rws4711)

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